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Seat Belt Stories

In the year following the launch of the “Common Bond” campaign creative, CDOT wanted to expand upon the approach, but with a more serious tone to reach those most resistant to behavior change. “Seat Belt Stories” video series is narrated by real victims and family members describing horrific crashes in which the decision to buckle up made the difference between life and death. Some videos describe the tragic consequences of not buckling up, and others feature stories of people who did buckle up and lived to talk about it. Each story connects strangers involved in similar crashes. The goal is for the public to hear these stories as a reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt. Colorado ranks below the rest of the country in seat belt use. Hearing personal stories such as these can be a powerful way to get more people to buckle up. Even though Coloradans hold passionate opinions and may not agree on everything, we can all get behind seat belts and the importance of buckling up.

2022 The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), Heartland Emmy®, Public Service Announcement (PSA) | 2021 “The Fifty,” Ad Club CO

Client: CDOT | Agencies: CIG and Hispanidad | Creative Director: Kristan Butler, CIG | Film: Flying Giant Productions | Director (Spanish spot): Miguel Hernandez | Producer: Cyndi Ortiz | Account Supervisor: Sam Stavish, CIG | Managing Director: Laura Sonderup, Hispanidad | Language Supervisor: Victoria Mendoza, Hispanidad | Camera Operator: Seth Marshall | DIT/AE: Lauren Winton | Gaffer: Tyler Kasche | Audio Mixer: Lincoln Terhark | Hair and Makeup: Cindy Cruz